Writing about Writing

How to Stay Sane Working Remotely

I’m sure many of us have dreamed of working from home at some point during our time at the UCWbL. “Why can’t I do this from home…

Writing about Writing

[Remote Reflections] Ava O.

My childhood bedroom has become my main office this past month! Although it isn’t great for my back, I usually do most of my UCWbL work and…

Writing about Writing

The Power of Poetry: Helping to Keep the Mind Occupied during COVID-19

Mental Health and COVID-19 Currently, for our safety, millions of Americans are being ordered to stay at home in order to avoid catching and spreading COVID-19. With…

Writing about Writing

[Reading in Quarantine] Writing with Bird by Bird

Bird By Bird by Anne Lamott is a book on how to write and how to live life. From how to beat feeling overwhelmed when there’s a…

Writing about Writing

Confessions of a Self-Avowed Passive-ist

I have never been good at active vs passive voice. In high school, my teacher decided that to teach us a lesson about being judicious in our…

Writing about Writing

Contemporary Usage of Ancient Rhetoric

While crafting an argument, one might consult ancient rhetorical appeals such as ethos, logos, and pathos. These appeals, once mastered, can be utilized for all genres of…

Writing about Writing

The Art of Screenplay

Screenplays are tricky. Not only are they expected to evoke strong emotion and entertainment in a reader, but they require a multitude of specific formatting conventions. Because…

Writing about Writing

Mindfulness in the Writing Center

One day, me and this businessman got into a conversation about ADHD. I was working as a cashier at the time — it was a slow day…

Writing about Writing

Journalistic Style Writing

by Vee Hall Journalists adhere to an incredibly structured form of writing. The purpose of journalistic writing is to convey information to a reader, in the most…

Writing about Writing

Small Steps: How to Stay Motivated until the End

You were assigned a paper in one of your classes. It was nothing new to you; the length assigned by your instructor was about ten pages. You…